
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Politician Talks About Banning Tim Cook From Russia Because He Says He Might Bring Ebola

A St. Petersburg politician (Milonov) and anti-LGBT lawmaker, told the website FlashNord about barring Cook from Russia because of fear that he might have Ebola or AIDS, according to a translation by The Huffington Post.  Lets all just take a moment and think about how stupid that statement is. Also this week in Russia a group of Russian companies called ZEFS removed a memorial to Steve Jobs from outside a St. Petersburg college.  Both of these stories upset me and show that lgbt rights are just as important as ever.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

How Old Were You When You Came Out? (POLL)

So recently I have been reading a lot of coming out stories and it got me thinking, when do most people come out? I have a poll set up at the bottom of my blog so you guys can answer but the poll will close on the 30th so answer soon!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Coming Out To A Conservative Family

How to you come out to an extremely Conservative family?  Well there is no easy way to do it but if you do come out and they shun you or it or dislike you for it the best advice I can give is to just try to move on. This may seem tough or maybe a little bit heartless but if they really dislike you for who you are then you should keep on going with your life, don't let other people's opinions of you control your life.  Maybe later on in life you can confront them and try to change their mind but remember to NEVER let other peoples opinions control your life.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


So yesterday the gay rugby team for Nashville ( The Grizzles)  released their 2015 calendar and man is it steamy. Check it out here:

Monday, October 27, 2014


Today I want to talk about some of the hatred towards bisexuals from gays and lesbians. I want to discuss how pointless this hatred is.  The whole LGBT rights movement is is about trying to spread the message that being gay, transgender, bisexual, lesbian,  or any other sexuality is ok.  But how can we spread the message to not hate when some of our movement hates another part of our movement or doesn't believe in the other part of our movement.  We need to raise awareness of this problem and try to solve it because if we can't stop hate in our own movement then how are we going to stop other people from hating our movement?

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Reaction To Hate Speech

Today I was reading a story online about a group of gay teens who were verbally harassed.  This not only saddened me but also made me wonder, what is the best way to handle the abuse you can get for being gay?  In my opinion the best way to handle these situations is to either ignore them or to use words to get your emotions across.  The worst possible way to handle these situations is through a physical response which although is the worst possible way to handle it, when people are verbally abusing you it is an understandable response.  Now I'm not saying a physical response is helpful but I can occasionally understand why some people have that reaction. If you are in a situation where you are being verbally abused the best response would be to just ignore it because all the abuser wants is a reaction. If you don't give them what they want hopefully they will stop. What do you think is the best type of response? Have you ever been in a similar situation?

Anti-Gay Protesters Getting Owned

This made my day!

Flash Mob Proposal in Central Park

Same Love

Same love is still one of my favorite songs ever.


Legislation to expand Pennsylvania's hate crimes law to include sexual orientation and gender identity. Pennsylvania state legislature advances LGBT-inclusive hate crimes bill